AngularJS is the most used web framework as per the TechGig Developer Survey 2019.

A JavaScript-based open source framework, AngularJS has become a default web development framework for developers these days. Angular not only offers various tools, but also design patterns to build easy-to-maintain web apps. Using AngularJS, developers can achieve more using less lines of code.

The developer-friendly framework in AngularJS is supported by an active community of web developers. Popular platforms and products including YouTube, the Weather Channel, Twitter are built with AngularJS.
AngularJS Features

Data model binding: You don’t need to write any special code to bind data to the HTML controls in AngularJS. You can do this by adding a few code snippets.

Testing-ready: Google designers have developed a testing framework called ‘Karma’ along with AngularJS. The testing framework makes it easy to design unit testing for AngularJS applications.

MVC: AngularJS is built on a concept of MVC (Model-View-Controller). The design pattern is used in all modern web apps. The pattern helps in splitting business logic layer, data layer, and the presentation layer.

Why use AngularJS

• The most important reason why you should go for AngularJS is because it is an open source framework backed by a strong community of developers.
• The framework keeps data and presentation layers in sync. You don’t have to write an independent JavaScript code to keep data in HTML and later in sync. AngularJS automatically does this for you. You simply need to specify which control is related to which part of your application’s model.
• You need not worry about unit testing and integration testing with Angular.
• The framework extends HTML by offering its own elements called directives. At a high level, these directives are markers on DOM element.
• Routing: Angular is designed to take care of routing. You can move to different functions of your web app based on user interaction but still stay on the same page.

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