The social networking giant, Facebook is getting closer to reading your mind. Facebook released an update… on its plans to create this wearable tech that could read your mind. Facebook’s brain-computer interface (BCI) was announced at F8 conference in 2017 and was described as a non-invasive way to type more than 100 words per minute without manually typing the words out or using any of the speech-to-text transcription services

This journey started with a simple question: What if you could type directly from your brain? Facebook has been funding the brain-computer research ever since its F8 2017 announcement. The company is developing a generalised technology that can be used in augmented reality wearables. The mind-reading interface could be one step closer to reality with Facebook’s latest announcement on the project.

The project was announced with a goal to decode silent speech. The experiment allowed scientists at the University of California, San Francisco to implant electrodes in the brains of epilepsy patients. After the participants answered the questions, the readings from electrodes were 61% accurate. The mind reading experiment demonstrated that it is possible to decode speech in an interactive and conversational environment.

Facebook has setup its own research lab called Building 8 on the computer brain interface. Facebook wanted to create a silent speech system that can type 100 words per minute right from your brain, which is 5 times faster than an average person who could type from a phone.

The company is closely working with the researchers at the University of California to study whether it is possible to decipher the speech from brain activity onto a computer screen.

Despite the progress, Facebook has acknowledged that there’s a lot of work that needs to be done to build an augmented reality (AR) device with such features. Facebook said, “That future is still a long way off, but early-stage research taking place today is the first step toward delivering on its promise.”

As Facebook turned 15 earlier this year, it now needs a serious image makeover, especially in the light of the several data privacy issues that have erupted post the infamous Cambridge Analytica Scandal. Focusing on product innovation like in the case of this upcoming device will help the company shed that bad press and regain the confidence of customers and regulators.

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