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What is Android App Development ?

Android is a Mobile Operating System developed by Google, based on the Linux kernel and designed primarily for Touchscreen Mobile Devices such as Smartphones and Tablets. Android was initially developed by Android Inc., which Google bought in 2005 and later the OHA (Open Handset Alliances) and other companies.

Why We Need Android App Development ?

Android is a powerful operating system competing with Apple 4GS.

  • Beautiful UI
  • Connectivity
  • Storage
  • Media support
  • Messaging
  • Web browser
  • Multi-touch
  • Multi-tasking
  • Resizable widgets
  • Multi-Language
  • GCM
  • Wi-Fi Direct
  • Android Beam

Prerequisits of Android App Development

Android programming is based on Java programming language so if you have basic understanding on Java programming then it will be a fun to learn Android application development.

Oppurtunity after Android App Development Course

As far as android is concern, it has a very awesome future ahead. Everything is going to mobile these days, from shopping your clothes, booking movie ticket, booking railway ticket to order vegetables to doorstep and there are lots of thing need to move to mobile now.

Most of android developer work for companies in India, some of them are working as freelancers and very few are working on their own idea. If you have a great idea that can change the way of anything(Like whatsapp took the text chat on another level, it is so easy to use that everybody wants it first on their smartphone).

In India so many companies are hiring android developer (almost 6 of 10) and startups are offering a really handsome packages to a smart developer.

Android App Development Course Syllabus

Android Industrial Training – Course Contents:

  • What is Android?
  • Why Android?
  • Features of Android
  • History of Android
  • Android Versions & API Level?
  • Android Architecture

Introduction to Core Java

  • Java – Overview
  • Environment Setup for Java
  • Basic Syntax, Object & Classes
  • Basic DataTypes & Variable Types
  • Basic Operators
  • Loop Control & Decision Making
  • Numbers, Characters, String, Array
  • Introduction to Java Object Oriented

Android Studio Environment Setup

  • Install Android Studio
  • Configure SDK Manager
  • Setup Android Emulator
  • Dalvik Virtual Machine
  • Connecting Real Device with Studio

Android User Interface

  • UI Layouts
  • UI Controls – (EditText, TextView, Button, Toast, ToggleButton, CheckBox, RadioGroup, RadioButton, Spinner, AutoCompleteTextView, RatingBar, SeekBar, ProgressBar, SnackBar, ImageView, ListView, EditText with Floating Labels)
  • UI Design
  • Screen Orientation
  • Android Action Bar
  • Styles and Themes

Android Activity & Intents

  • Activity Life Cycle
  • Event Handling on UI Controls
  • Implicit Intent
  • Explicit Intent
  • Intent Filters

Menus in Android

  • Option Menu
  • Context Menu
  • Popup Menu
  • Sub Menu

Alert Dialogs

  • Alert Dialog
  • Custom Dialog
  • Date Picker & Time Picker Dialog
  • List Dialog
  • Progress Dialog
  • MultiChoiceListDialog

Android Telephony

  • Telephony Manager
  • Phone Calls
  • Sending SMS
  • Sending Email

Android Multimedia

  • MediaPlayer
  • VideoPlayer
  • Camera
  • Audio Record
  • Audio Manager
  • Text To Speech
  • Speech To Text
  • Google Voice Typing

Android Services & Broadcast Receivers

  • Battery Manager
  • Alarm Manager
  • Bluetooth
  • Wi-Fi
  • Location (GPS)
  • Notifications

Advanced Useful Concepts

  • Clipboard
  • Custom Fonts
  • Custom ListView with Images
  • Android Animations
  • FlashLight
  • Image Switcher
  • Search View
  • Read Contacts
  • Adding Layouts and Views Dynamically
  • CountDownTimer
  • Text Watcher
  • WebView
  • Network Connection
  • SQLite Database
  • Image Database
  • Session Management
  • Shared Preferences
  • Sensors

Location Based Services & Google Maps Advanced

  • Weather Forecasting
  • Finding Current Location on Map & Address
  • Search Place & Place Details
  • Google Maps Duration, Distance & Directions API
  • Finding Nearby Places & Place Details API


  • Firebase Realtime Database
  • Firebase Email and Phone Authentication
  • FCM-Firebase Cloud Messaging
  • Firebase In-App Messaging

Advanced Android

  • Facebook Integration
  • Twitter Integration
  • YouTube Integration
  • Floating Action Button
  • Fragments
  • View Pager
  • Swipe Gesture
  • Navigation Drawer
  • Tab Host & Swipe Tabs
  • Customize UI Controls
  • Customize Action Bar
  • Designing Splash Screen
  • Material Design
  • Runtime Permission Handling
  • Fingerprint Authentication
  • JSON Parser
  • Google Developer Console
  • Building Signed APK
  • Publishing Android App on Play Store


  • Live Project
  • Personality Development
  • In-house job opportunities
  • Experience Letter will be provided.

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