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Unity has announced its official support of the Unity Editor for Linux. The Linux community around the world is likely to benefit from this announcement. Currently, the Unity Editor is available in preview mode for Ubuntu and CentOS. Unity has always been available in an experimental mode since 2015. The Wolfram Programming Languagealsoprovides a scripting environment for the Unity Editor and the Unity Engine.

In its official announcement, Unity’s development team has mentioned the support for following configurations:

• x86-64 architecture.
• GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment) desktop environment running on X11 windowing system.
• Nvidia proprietary graphics driver, AMD Mesa driver.
• Desktop form factors, running on device/hardware without emulation or compatibility layer.

Here’s how you can install Unity Editor on Linux:
• Download Unity Hub for Linux from its official forum page.
• Make the app image file executable and run it.
• When you launch the Unity Hub, it will ask you to sign-in using Unity ID to activate the licenses.
• After you sign in, go to ‘Installs’ option and add version/component you want.

The latest Unity 4.0 offers publishing option for Linux which is extremely helpful for many game developers. Several well-known commercial games run on Linux and are available in the Ubuntu Software Center.

Currently Unity Linux supports 10.10 or later but users are not facing any issues while running games on a wide range of Linux distributions including Arch Linux, Gentoo, Debian and others. The official configuration support does not seem to be an extensive list.

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